The Family Court have recently published its quarterly statistics.

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The Family Court have recently published its quarterly statistics.

During April and June this year there were 24,624 applications for divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership. This is down a staggering 30% from the same time last year.

75% of these applications came from sole applicants with the remaining 25% were made by joint applicants. These figures demonstrate that in most cases the divorce process is still “led” by one party.

The statistics show that once a divorce application is made it is taking on average, 29 weeks to obtain a conditional order (previously decree nisi). This reflects the statutory 20 week waiting period that a party is required to wait between making their divorce application and applying for a conditional order.

The conditional order represents the “mid-stage” of the divorce and once it has been granted the court is able to approve any reasonable financial settlement agreed between the parties.

Lastly, the statistics tell us that it is currently taking approximately 37.5 weeks to obtain a final order (previously decree absolute). This order represents the ending of the marriage and at this stage the parties are officially divorced.

Family Court Statistics Quarterly: April to June 2023 - GOV.UK (

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