Sam is an Associate with a background in Serious Crime, Health and Safety and Professional Misconduct.

Sam is regularly instructed at the outset of investigations and provides advice to clients that often results in matters concluding with no further action. Sam often conducts his own advocacy at the Magistrates’ Court with a proven track record.

In addition to significant criminal defence experience, Sam has also prosecuted cases for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which included serious injury and fatalities, often concerning work at height regulations. Sam is also adept at advising clients in respect of inquests, which often run parallel to the criminal investigation.

In addition, Sam is often called upon to represent police officers for both criminal and misconduct proceedings, including internal investigations and those brought by the Independent Office for Police Complaints.

Examples of matters Sam has acted in include:

Serious Crime

  • Acting for MP’s aide who was accused of rape in MPs office in the Houses of Parliament. The client was acquitted following a two-week trial.
  • Acting for a Defendant charged with Murder of a family member, following successful legal argument the CPS offered no evidence.
  • Acting for a Defendant charged with Conspiracy to Murder and Possession of a firearm where the Defendant was accused of shooting the victim with a sawn-off shotgun.

Health and Safety

  • Acting for a construction company being investigated following the death of a worker on site having been crushed during demolition work.
  • Acting for a logistics company following an employee falling from height at the company warehouse and suffering lifechanging injuries.
  • Prosecuting a waste disposal company following the death of an employee who was crushed by a vehicle whilst working alone.

Financial Crime

  • Advising a client being investigated by the FCA for insider dealing.
  • Advising a company following a trading standards investigation into a conspiracy to commit fraud and breach of consumer protection regulation.
  • Advising clients being investigated by HMRC for cheating the public revenue.

Professional Misconduct

  • Acting for police officers charged with criminal offences as well as the parallel misconduct investigations.
  • Sitting as legal adviser to the Teachers Regulation Agency (TRA).
  • Attending Post Incident Procedures and guiding officers through the process

Providing training/legal input to officers in respect of Post Incident Procedures who are undertaking accreditation and reaccreditation.