Intellectual Property Training

Call 0345 872 6666

Training to Identify Your Intellectual Property

Your intellectual property (IP) is valuable. Your business’ internal knowledge of IP is vital in order to identify your most valuable IP assets and detect any gaps in your IP protection and to ensure you avoid any future infringement claims.

The expert IP team at JMW has decades of experience in training clients on the subject of IP, as well as providing the more practical considerations relevant to your industry. The intellectual property solicitors at JMW provide training to clients who want to identify the potential of their IP and maximise the return on their investment, whilst ensuring they are best placed to avoid any future infringement claims.

Our team of IP experts will help you arrange formal or informal workshops to ensure your staff gain a strong working knowledge of all relevant aspects of IP law, helping you gain a competitive edge in your sector for years to come.

In our experience, comprehensive training and staff education is a necessity for any business seeking to gain maximum commercial benefit from its intellectual property (IP). A poor internal understanding of IP laws and best practice makes it harder to properly manage and protect your IP, potentially resulting in mistakes and financial losses.

For more information on our intellectual property training services, call JMW today on 0345 872 6666, or complete our online enquiry form to request a call back at your convenience.

How JMW Can Help

At JMW, we provide comprehensive training, advice and guidance on all aspects of IP law and rights management, including:

  • Trademarks, including what should be registered, managing trademark portfolios, dealing with the filing process and handling objections, both in the UK and internationally
  • Copyrights, including the importance of keeping a documentary record of how the work was created, compiling evidence for a copyright claim and understanding the scope of its protection
  • Design rights, including the registration process and the protections they can offer. In the case of unregistered design rights, the importance of keeping your paperwork in order to record the design journey
  • Patents, including how to file a legally watertight patent application and safeguarding monopoly rights
  • Confidential information and trade secrets, including preventing their misappropriation and misuse

Our team of IP solicitors has years of experience in this field, and will provide your organisation with tailored guidance on the elements of IP law that are most relevant to your business.

We have an expert understanding of all aspects of the legal system, and can deliver tailored training sessions to ensure that your workforce possesses all the knowledge they require to succeed.

Why is Intellectual Property Training Important?

Intellectual property represents a vital pool of assets for any innovative business. However, because they are intangible, the sheer amount of IP that exists within a business can often be overlooked, resulting in opportunities being missed.

Worse, this can also lead to the organisation failing to properly protect its IP rights, resulting in legal disputes and potential losses.

For a business to properly protect its IP, staff will need to have a strong understanding of numerous key issues, including:

  • The value of registering key brands as trademarks, and the legalities involved in doing so
  • The best ways of protecting copyrighted material, from literary to artistic works and even databases
  • The process of registering design rights in the UK, the EU and other key economies worldwide, particularly for products with a long shelf life that require longer-term protection
  • How patent protection works for companies operating on the cutting edge of technology and invention
  • The mechanisms available for protecting against the misuse of confidential information and trade secrets, up to and including High Court action

By receiving thorough training on these IP law considerations from qualified legal professionals, you can ensure that your organisation is best placed to fully exploit the value of its IP. You will also be able to deal robustly with any potential infringements, helping you deliver the best possible results.

Talk to Us

Speak to the specialist IP solicitors at JMW today to find out more about how we can help with your IP training requirements. Call us on 0345 872 6666, or complete our online enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.