Case Settled

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Case Settled

Your claim may be settled at a number of different points throughout the course of your case, as the defendant may contact your lawyer and make an offer to settle. However, we would expect most cases to settle after the relevant evidence has been gathered and exchanged, as this allows both parties to understand how the incident has impacted you.

If you are a litigation friend, such as the parent of a minor who is making a claim, or acting for someone who lacks mental capacity, a settlement may have to be approved by the court. Your lawyer will advise you of the steps that will need to be taken.

Once an agreement has been reached with the defendant, we’d expect them to forward us payment for the settlement amount within around four weeks. We will then be able send it to you.

At that stage, your case will be settled. Your lawyer will need to retain the file pertaining to your case for a period of eight years (unless the case involves a minor, in which case the files are retained for life).

If a case settles after court proceedings have started, your lawyer will need to formally end court proceedings via a consent order. This document is drawn up and agreed by both parties and may incorporate the settlement terms. Your lawyer will advise if you need to be involved with any element of the order. The court then deals with the order and concludes your case.

To find out more about how we can help you to make a claim, call us on 0345 872 6666 or read more about our personal injury services here.

There are two types of Personal Injury cases, as follows:

Generally these are cases where your compensation award is likely to be less than £25,000 and the injury has occurred in England and Wales.

Generally, these are cases that either; i. have occurred abroad. ii. Are likely to provide you with compensation in excess of £25,000 or iii. Have left you with life-changing injuries.
Learn about the types of cases we deal with

Case taken on

Contact made with other party or their insurers

Liability accepted

Liability denied

Seek evidence


Case settled

Issue court

Case settled

Court issues

Case settled

Complying with

Court hearing

Case concluded

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*Usually, a case will settle before a final hearing, however once court proceedings have been issued, your lawyer will have to prepare the case as if it will go to trial.

Talk to Us

To speak to an expert about an injury that was caused by somebody else’s negligence and your right to make a claim, contact JMW today. Our solicitors are waiting to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions you may have. To get in touch, simply call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete the enquiry form to let us know that you would like to hear from us.

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