Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

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Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) Claims

Epicondylitis, more commonly known as tennis elbow, causes pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow. If you suffer from the condition and believe it to have been caused by overuse or straining of the elbow joint due to the work you carry out, you may be entitled to compensation. The expert solicitors at JMW are here to give you the support you need to make a claim after you have suffered a tennis elbow injury. 

For more information, contact the team at JMW today. Either call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form, which will enable us to give you a call back at a time convenient for you. We will be happy to discuss the processes with you, and help you to pursue an epicondylitis claim. 

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How JMW Can Help

If work-related overuse of your elbow over an extended period of time or a direct injury is responsible for your lateral epicondylitis, you may be eligible to claim compensation for any time you are forced to spend out of work, as well as any medical rehabilitation costs.

Such claims can be complicated and require consultation with expert legal professionals. It is therefore advisable that you contact an experienced solicitor as soon as possible to discuss a potential claim.

The team at JMW is highly experienced in dealing with claims of this type and we can provide the expert guidance you need to make sure you are in the best position to make a successful tennis elbow claim.

We believe communication is key, which is why we will keep you updated throughout the process and be on hand to answer any questions you may have.


What is epicondylitis?

Epicondylitis, or to give it its proper name, lateral epicondylitis, is a condition resulting in pain around the outside of the elbow that often occurs when the forearm muscles and tendons close to the elbow joint are overused.

The condition is commonly referred to as tennis elbow and, in severe cases, it can result in you spending long periods out of work. It typically occurs as a result of overuse and strain, which is why people whose work requires repeated bending of the elbow or excessive straining of the joint are at risk.

For that reason, those at a particular risk may include:

  • Mechanics
  • Plasterers
  • Painters
  • Decorators

For more information on tennis elbow, visit the NHS website.

What are the symptoms of epicondylitis?

If you are suffering from tennis elbow, it is likely that you will experience pain when:

  • Bending or lifting your arm
  • Gripping small objects
  • Twisting your forearm

You will likely experience pain on the outside of your upper forearm below the bend of your elbow, and you may also encounter difficulty when trying to extend your arm fully. 

What are the causes of tennis elbow?

As the name suggests, tennis elbow can be caused by playing tennis. However, it can also be caused by any other activity that places stress on the elbow joint repeatedly. Trades such as those listed above place employees at particularly high risk of sustaining the injury due to the regular, repetitive movements required in these jobs.   

The condition typically occurs when the muscles attached to the elbow that are used to straighten the wrist are overused. Inflammation on the lateral epicondyle, which is the bony lump on the outside of the elbow, can be caused if there is a straining of the muscles and tendons.

What treatment is available for epicondylitis?

Epicondylitis will eventually heal itself without treatment. However, the longer you suffer from it, the more distress will be caused, increasing the likelihood that you will have to take more time off work, which can have serious financial consequences.

Treatments to quicken the healing process include:

  • Resting and no longer performing the activity responsible for the injury
  • Physiotherapy
  • Holding a cold compress against the elbow for a few minutes each day
  • Taking painkillers
  • Surgery to remove the damaged part of the tendon

Talk to Us

Speak to the expert solicitors at JMW about your epicondylitis claim today. We can talk you through what to expect and advise you on the next steps. Either call us on 0345 872 6666 or allow us to call you back by completing our online enquiry form.

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