Legionnaires’ Disease Compensation Claims

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Legionnaires’ Disease Compensation Claims

Legionnaires’ disease is a form of pneumonia caused by exposure to Legionella bacteria. Whilst uncommon, it can be serious, leading to long-term health problems and even death. It is possible to be exposed to the bacteria whilst travelling abroad or in the UK and if you believe you have contracted Legionnaires’ disease as a result of contaminated water during travel, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Our expert solicitors have a wealth of experience when it comes to dealing with illnesses that have their origins in travel, with Legionnaires’ disease being one of a number of illnesses that clients of ours have suffered from and pursued claims for. We can help to ensure you receive compensation and you shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with us as soon as you know you’d like to make a claim.

To speak to a solicitor about making a Legionnaires' disease compensation claim, call us today on 0345 872 6666, or complete our online enquiry form and a member of the claims team will be in touch at a time convenient for you.

How JMW Can Help

Our expert solicitors will work with you to understand exactly how the disease has affected you, what sacrifices you have had to make in your life and where you have been out of pocket as a result. Once we know all of this, we will work hard to get you the compensation that realistically addresses all of these sacrifices and puts you back in the position you would have been, were it not for your illness.

If you have travelled abroad on a package holiday, or have enjoyed a staycation in the UK, you have protection under the relevant regulations. We can help you claim compensation from your tour operator if you contracted Legionnaires’ disease in your hotel abroad. If you didn’t travel as part of a package holiday, you may still be able to bring your claim against the responsible insurer in the UK.

The normal time limit for pursuing a Legionnaires' disease compensation claim against your tour operator is three years. However, in certain circumstances, the time limit may be much shorter, so our advice is always to seek specialist legal input from our team as soon as you decide you'd like to claim, to allow time for a thorough investigation.

What Our Clients Say

Legionnaires' Disease and Coronavirus

With many buildings, such as hotels, gyms and spas, both in the UK and abroad being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the risk of contracting Legionnaires' disease is higher. During prolonged periods of closure, water facilities, such as showers, fountains, heaters, spa pools and hot tubs, have been left unused, which can lead to water system stagnation - one of the causes of Legionnaire's disease.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in England and the European Study Group for Legionella Infections (ESGLI) have published advice on how building water systems should be managed during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect holidaymakers and other travellers. The advice includes guidance on how building owners should implement careful recommissioning procedures before welcoming customers back.

FAQs About Legionnaires' Disease

What is Legionnaires’ disease?

Legionnaires’ disease is an infection of the lung that you can catch by inhaling bacteria from droplets of water from an infected source, such as a fountain, air conditioning unit or a hot tub, making it possible to contract while staying in a hotel or other accommodation abroad.

Initial symptoms are similar to that of flu, and may include a temperature, muscle ache, headaches and confusion. If you have symptoms and are concerned, you may have contracted Legionnaires’ disease, speak to your GP and raise your concerns. If you have travelled abroad to anywhere there has been an outbreak, you should let your GP know.

There is an incubation period for Legionnaires’ disease, so it is vital you instruct specialist solicitors, such as the team at JMW, who can investigate your case if the source is unclear and help you make a claim for compensation.

Who is most at risk of contracting Legionnaires’ disease?

Anyone can be susceptible to Legionella bacteria; however, there are certain groups who can be more at risk, including:

  • Those aged over 50
  • Those who have pre-existing breathing problems
  • Those who suffer from diabetes or kidney, lung or heart disease
  • Smokers or those who used to smoke heavily
  • Heavy drinkers
  • Those who have a weakened immune system

How can you prevent Legionnaires’ disease?

Hotels, leisure facilities, restaurants and cruise ships are particularly at risk of outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease. Infection can be prevented by maintaining water systems, including plumbing and air-conditioning systems, as poor hygiene provides the conditions for the bacteria to multiply.

The property owner, landlord, employer or local authority is legally responsible for having procedures in place to prevent the spread of Legionnaires’ disease - these include:

  • Conducting regular inspections of water systems
  • Cleaning and disinfecting water systems
  • Eliminating any rust, algae, limescale and any other substance that would encourage bacterial growth
  • Maintaining temperatures to reduce the chances of bacterial growth

A claim for compensation can be made if those responsible for cleaning and maintaining systems and equipment acted negligently and this resulted in an outbreak.

Talk to Us

To make a claim for Legionnaires' disease compensation from contracting the disease through wrongful exposure abroad, call us now on 0345 872 6666, or complete our online enquiry form and someone will get in touch with you.

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