JMW's Speedometer - Speeding Fine Calculator (UK)

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JMW's Speedometer - Speeding Fine Calculator (UK)

How Much Could You Be Fined for Speeding?: the JMW Speedometer

Getting caught and charged for a speeding offence can be a stressful experience. The penalties for exceeding the speed limit range from inconvenient - such as a need to pay for and attend a speed awareness course - to serious, including long-term driving bans. It can often be unclear initially how much of a fine drivers should expect.

If you’ve been caught speeding and want to get a better idea of what kind of penalty you might be facing, the JMW Speedometer can help to give you a rough indication of how much you may need to pay. By inputting the details of your case, our handy calculator will tell you what kind of range your fine will fall into, as well as identify any other penalties you might be likely to face.






You were not committing a speeding offence

No-fine outcome

You were driving within the legal speed limit, which means you will not receive a fine and will not have any points added to your licence.

It is possible to receive a fine if you are driving too slowly - however, most roads do not have a minimum speed limit, so you will only be punished for this if you are found to be driving slowly enough to cause a hazard on the road.

How the Speedometer Works

The minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and three penalty points on your driving licence. On its own, this is enough to cause significant problems, since drivers can be disqualified if they accumulate 12 or more penalty points within a period of three years; however, in some instances, the punishment is even more severe, with the size of your fine depending on a number of factors.

These include:

  • your annual income
  • the speed limit on the road in question
  • the degree to which you were found to be exceeding that limit

With all factors taken into consideration, the total fine can reach up to £1,000 - increasing to a potential £2,500 for offences committed on the motorway. You may also receive additional points on your driving licence, or even face an immediate driving ban.

By providing this information, the JMW Speedometer can make it easier to plan for any penalties that might be coming your way - as well as helping you decide whether or not you have reason to appeal the fine in court.

Speeding Fine FAQs

What calculations does the speeding fine calculator make?

Speeding fines in the UK are based on the offender's weekly income and determined by the severity of the offence, which is usually categorised into one of three bands: Band A, Band B, and Band C. These bands are based on the speed at which you were driving and by what percentage it exceeded the speed limit. Once your alleged offence has been categorised, this establishes the proportion of your weekly income that will make up the fine.

  • Band A: This is for the least severe offences and generally covers cases where the speed limit was exceeded by 1-10 mph. Fines usually amount to 50% of your weekly income, and 3 penalty points are added to your licence.
  • Band B: This is a more serious category, usually for speeding between 11-20 mph over the limit. The fines generally start at 100% of one week's income. You may also face 3-6 penalty points or a disqualification for up to 28 days.
  • Band C: This is for the most severe speeding offences, usually 21 mph or more over the speed limit. The fines typically start at 150% of your weekly income. You could also receive up to 6 penalty points or be disqualified from driving for up to 56 days.

While we have taken every possible step to ensure the accuracy of our speeding fine calculator, UK speeding laws are used at the discretion of the police, meaning that the outcome of your case may differ. For example, if you are caught speeding but have not been fined for any other offence in the past three years, you may be offered the chance to attend a speed awareness course instead of receiving a fine and points. It is also important to say that the fine has both a statutory minimum and maximum level. The minimum fine is £100, while the maximum differs as we will explain below.

On top of the fine, you may have to pay court costs and a victim surcharge.

Magistrates have some discretion in the level of fine and the imposition of penalty points or disqualifications based on specific circumstances. Factors such as poor road conditions, the offender's driving history, or the occurrence of a genuine emergency can all affect the penalty you will receive. You may receive a more serious punishment if you plead not guilty to a speeding charge and are found guilty in court.

It is vital in these circumstances to speak to a solicitor. The driving offences solicitors at JMW have a wealth of experience in this area and can discuss your circumstances to determine whether there is a possibility of avoiding a fine, or other approaches you could use in your defence.

What are the penalties for speeding besides a fine?

A fine will not usually be the only penalty for a speeding offence. Most people who are caught speeding are given a fixed penalty notice, which usually includes a fine and penalty points on your licence. However, the specific nature of the offence will determine not only the speeding fine you will get but the additional punishments you may be given at the discretion of your local police force.

Penalty Points

Depending on the severity of the speeding offence, you may receive between three and six penalty points on your driving licence, or a disqualification between 7-56 days. Accumulating 12 or more points within a three-year period usually leads to a driving disqualification under the 'totting-up' system.

How many points you need on your licence to be disqualified from driving varies depending on whether you are new to driving, or more experienced. If you receive six points on your licence within the first two years of passing your test, your licence will be revoked by the DVLA (this is different to a disqualification from the court). This means that you will need to apply for a provisional licence and pass your practical and theory tests again before you are legally allowed to drive.

In some cases, you may face disqualification from driving even if you have not reached 12 penalty points. For more severe speeding offences, especially those falling into Band C, you could face immediate disqualification from driving. The length of the ban is at the discretion of the court and can range from a week to several months, or even longer in extreme cases.

It is important to say that there are defences you can mount in some cases to avoid a ban. Speak to a solicitor about your circumstances if you are concerned about losing your licence.

Endorsement on Driving Record

A speeding conviction results in an endorsement on your driving record, which remains for three years for courts, four years from the date of the offence for the DVLA, and up to five years for insurance companies. This can impact employment opportunities, especially for jobs that require a clean driving record or involve driving as part of the role.

Speed Awareness Course

For your first offence (or, in some cases, if you haven't been convicted for speeding in the last three years), you may be offered the opportunity to attend a speed awareness course instead of receiving a fine and points. You will usually have to pay for the course, which varies in cost but is often around the same price as the fine would have been. Completion of the course means you avoid penalty points and a fine, but this is only offered at the discretion of the police. You cannot apply to take a speed awareness course, and if you are not offered the option, you will either receive a fine and penalty points or need to attend a court hearing to contest the charge.

Vehicle Seizure

In extreme cases of reckless speeding, the police have the power to seize your vehicle. While this is a relatively rare penalty for speeding alone, it becomes more likely if speeding is combined with other offences like dangerous driving.


Although exceedingly rare for speeding offences, imprisonment is possible in cases where someone was caught driving at excessive speeds in combination with other serious offences like dangerous driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If the speeding incident results in a fatal accident, this may also be a potential outcome.

Each case is unique, and it is impossible to evaluate the types of penalties you may be facing without a detailed discussion of your circumstances, as factors like road conditions, your driving history, and whether or not you were cooperative with the authorities will affect the outcome of your case. Consult our team today to talk about your situation, find out more about our speeding fine calculator, or discuss contesting a speeding offence charge.

What is the maximum fine for speeding?

While the calculation of speeding fines depends on your salary, there is a statutory maximum that applies in all cases. The maximum fine is £1,000 for most ordinary roads, while for motorways, the maximum is £2,500. Because of the calculations we have outlined above, most people's fines will be lower than this statutory maximum.

Talk to Us

If you have been caught speeding and are concerned about losing your licence, or if you have been accused of speeding but believe you are innocent, contact our team today. The expert solicitors at JMW can explain your options and the outcomes you can expect, estimate the fine you could receive based on our speeding fine calculator, and talk you through the possibility of building a defence.

Read more on our dedicated speeding offence service page, or get in touch with our team today. Call us on 0345 872 6666 or use our online enquiry form to get in touch.