Naushaba Awan

Call 0345 872 6666

Naushaba joined the team in 2022 having trained at highly regarded London firm. Her experience of family law includes financial proceedings following divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership, and jurisdictional disputes on divorce. Having studied at Sciences Po Paris, Naushaba speaks French and can assist in advising francophone clients.

Naushaba has a particular interest in cases with an international element having previously worked at a specialist practice in London. As well as France, Naushaba has also lived in Russia and India.

Prior to a career in law, Naushaba worked in the NGO. A long-term supporter of the arts and cultural sector, Naushaba’s most recent role involved securing corporate sponsors for major international exhibitions at the National Gallery in London.

This diverse experience means Naushaba has the confidence and the client care skills to assist people at one of the most challenging times of their lives following the breakdown of family relationships

Outside of work, Naushaba continues to maintain her love for the arts.

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