Advance Fee Fraud

Call 0345 872 6666

Advance Fee Fraud Defence

JMW provides expert advice and representation to businesses and individuals facing accusations of advance fee fraud and other types of banking fraud. We can also assist firms and banks that have been caught up in a scheme unsuspectingly. Our solicitors have vast experience in dealing with all kinds of banking fraud and have the specialist knowledge to deal with the most complex of cases.

To speak to a solicitor, call us on 0345 872 6666 or leave your details via our online enquiry form and we will call you back.

Our Services

At JMW, we can provide legal assistance for individuals and businesses accused of advance fee fraud or any other form of banking fraud. Advance fee fraud involves asking people to make payment for goods or services upfront or in advance, often believing they will stand to benefit financially as a result. However, the anticipated goods, services or money never materialise.  

There are also many other kinds of banking fraud that can unwittingly cause trouble for companies. Cybercriminals commit banking fraud by hiding transactions to make them appear as though they originated somewhere else, or to hide the identity of the true beneficiary. People can unwittingly become involved in deceitful transactions that lead to them being accused of fraud.

We can assist in relation to any form of banking fraud, including:

  • Bank card fraud
  • Cheque fraud
  • Counterfeit cheque fraud
  • False accounting fraud
  • Prime bank guarantee fraud
  • Account takeover
  • Bank account fraud

Our solicitors are recognised as leaders in this area of the law and our comprehensive service draws on the knowledge of a range of other professionals, from accountants to computer forensic experts. We have extensive knowledge of this area of the law and a track record of success in defending individuals accused of related offences.

Why Choose JMW?

If your company is under investigation or you have been personally accused of committing banking fraud, the expert team at JMW will act fast to fight your corner. If required, we will search for and find forensic evidence to demonstrate that fraudulent transactions were being processed without the knowledge of either yourself or your firm.

Our experienced team has the skill and know-how to build the very best defence against accusations of facilitating any kind of banking fraud. We can also represent individuals who have been accused of involvement in fraudulent banking transactions, whether they work for a bank or are a member of the public.

We are able to represent people from across the UK, including Manchester and London, and our team is regarded as a national leader in this field.

Talk to Us

Find out more about our services and how our advance fee fraud solicitors can help you by contacting us today. Do so by either calling us on 0345 872 6666 or leaving your details via our online enquiry form and allowing us to call you back.