Failure to diagnose scaphoid fracture - £20,000

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Failure to diagnose scaphoid fracture - £20,000

‘James’, 26

Rebecca Cahill, a specialist medical negligence solicitor at JMW, represented ‘James’ in a legal battle over a hospital’s delay in diagnosing a scaphoid fracture in his wrist, causing the injury to go untreated. Rebecca supported James in his claim against the hospital and was successful in obtaining £20,000 in compensation for him.

Fracture missed

James injured his left wrist whilst playing rugby, which he played to a high level.  He attended hospital as his hand and wrist became painful and swollen. James’ hand was not examined due to the swelling but he was sent for an x-ray, which was only taken from one angle.

James was advised that the x-ray revealed no fractures and he was given a splint and told to rest. The hospital did not arrange a follow-up appointment to review him.

Luckily James is right-handed, however, his left wrist remained swollen and very painful a month after his injury. He returned to the hospital, where doctors reviewed his previous x-ray and again advised him there was no injury.  He was not offered a further x-ray and suggested physiotherapy to regain the strength in his wrist.

James did not see any improvement despite undergoing physiotherapy treatment, which was very difficult to carry out because of the pain in his wrist. He, therefore, sought further advice from a private chiropractor.  They arranged further x-rays of the wrist, which revealed that he had suffered a scaphoid fracture.

After trying several different treatments, James was told that he would need surgery on his wrist, including a bone graft.  Although James recovered from his surgery, he has been left with pain and stiffness in his wrist.

Successful medical negligence case

James was concerned that the hospital had not suspected a scaphoid fracture and that his wrist had gone untreated for months.  After being put in touch with JMW’s specialist medical negligence team, his case was taken on by Rebecca Cahill.  Rebecca claimed that the hospital had negligently failed to request scaphoid views of James’ wrist which would have identified the fracture and would have led to earlier, less significant surgery.

The hospital admitted that James’ suffered several months of avoidable pain and restricted movement as a result of their negligence and delayed diagnosis, and agreed to pay him £20,000 in compensation.

Talk to Us

If you have suffered from a failed diagnosis, the expert medical negligence solicitors at JMW can help you. Call us today on 0345 872 6666, or fill out an online contact form and we will be in touch at a time suitable for you.

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