Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Medical Negligence Claims

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Medical Negligence Claims

If you have suffered due to a delay in diagnosis or treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), you may be entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused. The team at JMW is here to help you achieve a successful outcome

We are highly experienced in cases of this type, and our expertise will prove invaluable as you go through a process that may at first seem daunting and complex. We understand the significant impact this condition can have on your quality of life, and aim to secure compensation that can make an important difference to your day-to-day life

To speak to a solicitor about making a carpal tunnel syndrome medical negligence claim, call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form to request a call back. We are able to take on cases on a no win, no fee basis.

If you are looking for information related to making a carpal tunnel syndrome claim that was caused by your workplace, visit our personal injury department

What Our Clients Say

How JMW Can Help

We have one of the most experienced and respected medical negligence teams in the UK. Headed by leading clinical negligence solicitor Eddie Jones, the team includes members of the Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) solicitors panel, and the Law Society’s specialist panel for clinical negligence solicitors.

Our team understands that cases of this type can seem complicated, which is why we aim to relieve you of as much stress and hassle as possible. We are able to handle cases using no win, no fee agreements.

We are highly experienced in claims against the NHS and private healthcare providers on behalf of clients who have suffered because of medical negligence.

CTS is a fairly common condition and tends to affect the thumb, index finger and middle finger. The condition can have a serious impact on your everyday life, and if you believe it was caused or exacerbated by the negligent actions of a medical professional, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. For more information on how to prove medical negligence, read our guide.

Making a claim for compensation can help to cover the following:

  • The physical and mental aspects of the condition
  • Any medical expenses as a direct result of the condition
  • Any travel costs and vehicle adaptations made due to the condition
  • Any extra help and care in the home
  • Loss of earnings

The amount of compensation that you are entitled to will depend on the individual circumstances of your claim.


What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

In some cases, there is no direct cause that can be identified. However, the condition tends to be common among young and middle-aged women, as well as during pregnancy. It is thought that some people have a narrower carpal tunnel than others, and it takes only a very small amount of swelling or retained fluid to put pressure on the nerve. The syndrome is also common in those performing assembly line work or other repetitive tasks with the hands.

Other factors that can increase the risk of CTS include family history, wrist injuries, and diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and other health conditions.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Symptoms usually start gradually, with pain, weakness or numbness in the wrist and hands, radiating up the arm. As symptoms worsen, tingling in the fingers (usually the thumb, index and middle fingers) may occur, resulting in decreased grip strength. This can make it difficult to form a first, grasp small objects and perform other manual tasks.

The condition can be particularly troublesome at night, and is sometimes relieved by hanging the arm over the side of the bed. It can affect one or both hands.

What treatment is available for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Initial treatment usually involves:

  • Resting the affected hand and wrist for at least two weeks
  • Immobilising the wrist in a splint
  • Avoiding activities that may worsen symptoms

Talk to Us

For an assessment of your carpal tunnel syndrome claim, contact the JMW medical negligence team today by calling 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form and we will give you a call back at a convenient time.

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