JMW successfully secures the acquittal of a client alleged to have assisted in a conspiracy to defraud the government of millions of pounds through money launderingConspiracy to Defraud
Account Freezing Order successfully discharged after JMW interventionAccount Freezing Order Solicitors
No hidden assets and maximum credit for an early guilty pleaPossession with Intent to Supply and Conspiracy to Supply Drugs
Fraudulent evasion of VAT and excise duty to the importation of large consignments of goods to the UKFraud Solicitors
Arrest warrant obtained against alleged fraudster in private prosecutionPrivate Prosecution Solicitors
Acquittal in alleged Class A drugs conspiracyPossession with Intent to Supply and Conspiracy to Supply Drugs
Were the prosecution out of time to prosecute an offence at the Magistrates Court?Malicious Communications Offences