Behaviours and Attitudes of British Travellers on Holiday Survey Results

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Behaviours and Attitudes of British Travellers on Holiday Survey Results

The concept of 'holiday mode' is a phenomenon often observed but rarely studied. It involves a certain state of relaxation and a more relaxed view towards risk-taking, a mental shift that many people experience when they set off on holiday. 

JMW Solicitors surveyed 1,703 individuals to uncover their attitudes towards risk-taking when holidaying, the extent to which they engage in behaviours that deviate from their norm, and how these behaviours potentially connect to the concept of 'holiday mode'.

Holiday mode

The results of our survey show that a majority, 70% of respondents, identified with entering 'holiday mode' when travelling abroad. 'Holiday mode', as it appears, might be a common phenomenon among British travellers, and it is necessary to explore what this could imply and why it occurs.

Some 36% of survey respondents disclosed that they partake in risky or adrenaline-fueled activities, such as skydiving, cliff diving or hitchhiking, while on holiday. This propensity towards high-risk activities while travelling points towards a tendency to seek out thrilling, novel experiences that depart from the usual routine.

There are several reasons why individuals might be more likely to engage in such activities while on holiday as opposed to in their home environment. First, holidays provide a break from the everyday routine and are often seen as a time to try new things and have unique experiences. For many, engaging in high-risk activities can provide a sense of adventure and excitement that enhances the overall holiday experience.

Secondly, the feeling of being 'away from it all' can often lead to a sense of invincibility or a reduced awareness of potential dangers. This psychological distance from the realities of daily life might cause people to underestimate the risks associated with certain activities.

Thirdly, peer pressure can also play a part, particularly if individuals are travelling in a group or partaking in organised tours where such activities are offered. The desire to fit in or to not miss out on shared experiences can lead people to engage in activities they would usually avoid.

Alcohol Consumption

Our survey results revealed that 37% of respondents admitted to consuming more alcohol than usual while on holiday. Alcohol consumption is a notable aspect of holiday behaviour, and understanding its increase during these periods can shed light on the various factors contributing to this trend.

There are several potential reasons for the increased alcohol consumption while holidaying. Holidays are often seen as a time to relax, unwind and indulge, and for many, alcohol consumption is a part of this process. People might perceive it as a way to celebrate their time off work, enjoy local beverages or simply feel more at ease.

The sense of being in a different place, away from the constraints of normal life, might also contribute to increased drinking. As with engaging in risky activities, the feeling of being 'away from it all' can lead to a reduced sense of responsibility or an illusion of being 'free' from the consequences of excessive drinking.

Social factors may also play a significant role. If individuals are travelling with others who drink heavily or are in social environments where drinking is encouraged, they may feel more inclined to participate.

However, increased alcohol consumption is not without its risks and can significantly impact the safety and well-being of travellers. Excessive alcohol can impair judgement, making individuals more likely to engage in risky behaviours or place themselves in dangerous situations. It can also have health implications, especially when combined with activities like swimming or sunbathing. While swimming and sunbathing may seem harmless, mixing those activities with alcohol could result in severe sunstroke or drowning-related incidents.

Travel Insurance

One of the more striking findings from our survey was the high percentage of respondents who took out travel insurance, and the subsequent number of those who had to make a claim. A substantial 71% of participants acknowledged the importance of travel insurance, illustrating a strong awareness among British travellers of the potential risks associated with going abroad.

However, it is the subsequent statistic that really highlights the importance of travel insurance. Nearly half (49%) of those who took out insurance found themselves in a situation where they needed to make a claim. The reasons for these claims ranged from medical expenses to costs associated with car accidents.

These findings clearly show that while the concept of 'holiday mode' might lead to a more relaxed state of mind, the reality is that accidents and unforeseen circumstances can and do occur. Holidays are a break from the norm, and as such, often present unfamiliar situations and potential risks that are not usually encountered in day-to-day life.

Travel insurance serves as a safety net for when things go wrong. Whether it is a minor inconvenience like lost luggage or a major incident requiring medical attention, having travel insurance can significantly reduce the financial burden and stress associated with such events.

Reckless Behaviour

The survey data indicated that 42% of respondents believe their behaviour to be significantly more reckless while on holiday than in their everyday lives. This admission of increased recklessness ties closely with the 'holiday mode' concept discussed earlier, where individuals tend to be more relaxed and open to taking risks while travelling.

As previously noted, holidays are often associated with a sense of freedom and a break from routine, which can lead to a more carefree attitude. This mindset, coupled with the unfamiliar environments and situations encountered while travelling, might result in individuals taking more risks or acting impulsively.

This recklessness is not confined to engaging in high-risk activities or increased alcohol consumption. It may also start in seemingly small behaviours, such as neglecting to apply sunscreen, wandering in unfamiliar areas without a map, or neglecting to drink enough water in hot climates.

These behaviours, while seeming insignificant at the time, can lead to potential harm or discomfort, highlighting the importance of maintaining a level of caution even when in 'holiday mode'.

Talk to us

To receive all the help you need to make an accident claim as a result of an incident that occurred abroad due to someone else’s negligence, contact our holiday accident solicitors today. Simply call us on 0345 872 6666, or fill in our online enquiry form and we will get back to you.

To read about our results in further detail, you can download our full survey findings here. If you wish to utilise any part of this data for editorial purposes, please credit JMW Solicitors (

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