Slips & Trips

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Slip and Trip Claims

A slip or trip can occur anywhere; on the street due to defects in the pavement, in shops or supermarkets due to wet floors or in the workplace due to loose carpeting or exposed wires. The personal injury solicitors at JMW handle many slip and trip claims every year. We have your best interests at heart and will work hard to get you the compensation you are entitled to.

If you have had a slip, trip or fall in the last three years that was a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. To find out if you are eligible to make a claim, simply call our expert solicitors on 0345 872 6666 or fill in our online form and we will get back to you.

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How JMW Can Help

It is reasonable to expect that any place you enter will be free of slipping and tripping hazards. Organisations must have policies in place to reduce the risk of slips and trips to employees working on their premises, while companies experiencing regular visits from the public, such as shops, restaurants and bars, must legally follow health and safety guidelines to prevent customers suffering a slip or trip while on the premises. Likewise, local councils are obliged to take adequate precautions to ensure that pavements and roads in their area are free of tripping hazards.

If these procedures are not followed and an accident occurs as a result of someone else’s negligence, the injured party is entitled to make a claim. JMW’s personal injury law experts are here to help make compensation claims for accidents that have occurred due to trips, slips or falls.

The most common causes of slips, trips and falls include:

  • Spillages
  • Poorly maintained pavements
  • Potholes
  • Obstructed walkways
  • Poorly fitted carpets
  • Exposed wiring

Our solicitors have successfully claimed slip and trip compensation from various organisations and local authorities from across the country, placing us as the perfect law firm to handle your case. We know exactly what it takes to be successful with these types of claims and part of this is creating a close working relationship with you. We are confident that you will be happy with our service.

Once your claim begins, we promise that you will receive honest, straightforward advice from us; advice that will help you to understand how your case is progressing. We work on a no win, no fee basis, which means you are protected from all legal costs if your case is not successful.

Slip and Trip Accidents in Supermarkets

Slip and trip accidents occur in supermarkets because of the various hazards that lead to a customer or employer hurting themselves. Accidents of this type can include:

  • Slipping on a wet floor
  • Falling over boxes, equipment left in the aisle or other obstacles
  • Slipping on food or packets
  • Tripping on damaged flooring

It is the supermarket’s responsibility to keep customers and workers safe by minimising the risk of an accident taking place. If you have been injured in a supermarket due to their failure to manage the risk of injury to you, you will be entitled to compensation and should speak to a solicitor as soon as possible.

Slip and Trip Accidents in Public Places

Public places are areas intended for use by the general public, such as parks, pubs and restaurants, gyms and car parks. There are a range of reasons why accidents may take place in these spaces, more so if they are busy, but it is the owner’s or city council’s responsibility to prevent these from happening.

If you have suffered an accident in a place open to the public, you can make a claim for compensation against the occupier’s public liability insurance.

Manhole Cover Accidents

The most common reason for accidents involving manhole covers is poor working practices from councils and utility companies. Other ways in which you could be injured by a manhole include:

  • Rotten or poorly maintained covers
  • Improperly placed covers
  • Unsuitable cover surfaces
  • Raised service covers
  • Unmarked or open covers
  • Explosions causing manholes to open

Motorists, cyclists, construction workers, and pedestrians could all be victims of an inadequately covered manhole. Where significant holes are left in the road, the proper equipment should be used to ensure it is safe for road users to pass over it. Regardless of how you have been injured by a manhole, if the accident was caused by somebody else’s negligence, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Who is responsible for maintaining manhole covers?

Local councils and water and electricity companies have a responsibility to ensure that manhole covers are installed appropriately so that passersby are not injured. Regular inspections of manhole covers must be carried out to check for any imperfections or defects, with any problems found being repaired or faulty covers replaced quickly and efficiently. If a fault cannot be fixed straight away, a warning sign drawing attention to the hazard must be placed nearby and the area cordoned off.

Our solicitors can help you prove that the organisations in charge of manhole cover safety did not do enough to keep members of the public safe.

Should you suffer a slip, trip or fall at work because of a manhole, your employer would likely be responsible for failing to provide a safe working environment. No matter what your industry, you should make a claim for compensation if your employer has failed to protect you. In a successful case, you will be recompensed for the time spent off work and any medical and travel expenses incurred, while the negligence of your employers will also be highlighted.


How much is your slip & trip claim worth?


What should I do after a slip or trip?

There are certain steps you should take following a slip or trip accident that could benefit you, if you are going to make a claim. First and foremost, you should report the incident to a member of staff or the owner of the premises at the time of the accident, ensuring they record what has happened in the accident book.

If you are able to do so, you should collect the names and contact details of any witnesses to your accident and take photographs of where the injury took place.

You should also keep receipts of any financial outlays you’ve had to make as a result of the accident, so that these can be included as part of your claim. Keeping receipts will help to demonstrate your outlays and strengthen your claim for them; however, you are still able to seek compensation for financial expenses if you are not able to provide receipts.

How much compensation could I receive?

The amount of compensation awarded for a slip or trip is determined by the severity of your injuries, how quickly you recover and any financial losses you may have incurred as a result of your injury. For this reason, it is difficult to determine exactly how much compensation you will receive until we have all of this information and have assessed it. However, our interactive compensation calculator will help you get an idea of how much your claim could be worth.

Why should I make a claim for a slip, trip or fall?

Making a claim for compensation after you have been involved in an accident can help you and your family adjust, and deal with a life post-amputation. Compensation helps you to benefit from the latest medical treatment, the newest prosthetic devices and the very best rehabilitation. It will also help to support you and your loved ones if you are unable to work as a result of your injury.

Talk to Us

To speak to a solicitor about a slip, trip or fall you have had in the last three years, call us now on 0345 872 6666 to get your claim underway. Alternatively, complete our online contact form and an expert from the personal injury department will be in touch shortly.

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