Employment Law Solicitors

We are here to provide specialist employment law advice to employees and individuals who need to know their rights are protected if things go wrong or unexpected issues crop up that need explaining and resolving.

JMW offers an extensive list of services for those struggling with employment disputes and issues. We frequently work with those who are struggling with their employers, and can offer you advice and guidance, and even represent you in court should it be necessary.

If you need help with anything to do with employment law, take advantage of the expertise of our approachable team of solicitors by calling 0345 872 6666 or completing our quick and simple online contact form.

How JMW Can Help You

At JMW Manchester, our solicitors' expertise covers a huge range of topics and issues, as shown in the list of services at the top of the page. There is very little - if anything - relating to employment law that we haven't dealt with, which is why our clients find we are the ideal law firm to have in their corner.

However, it is important to remember that we are not only here for you when things go wrong - we can also provide advice and support on your rights to help you avoid potential pitfalls in your career. That includes information on:

  • Dismissals
  • Restrictive covenants
  • LTIPS and Share awards
  • Bonus payments
  • Discrimination
  • Notice periods
  • Disciplinary and grievance procedures

If something has gone wrong at work, we understand how distressing that can be. Our specialist employment law solicitors will work closely with you to ensure you feel confident when dealing with a dispute, and that you understand everything that is required of you during legal action. We pride ourselves on delivering specialist employment law advice as and when you need it in an easy-to-understand manner.

Who Can We Help?

Our employment law service for individuals is targeted at those who need support regarding the terms of their employment or the actions of their employer. This may include:

  • Employees
  • Executives and directors
  • Partners
  • Other board members
  • Regulated professionals
  • Contractors and subcontractors
  • Education professionals
  • Healthcare professionals

Our employment law solicitors service for individuals features employment law advice for employees. If you are a business owner and need help dealing with your employees, please visit our employment law for businesses page instead.

Why Choose JMW?

Our Manchester-based employment law solicitors have many years of experience helping employees across the country overcome their legal challenges and have the best and most enjoyable careers possible. We are here to help you achieve your aims without having to worry about the hassle and complications of employment law.

We are members of the Employment Lawyers Association (ELA), which makes JMW a contributor to the voice of authority regarding employment law. The organisation, founded in 1992, exists to represent the views of its members, all of whom are specialists within the law relating to employment, and to promote best practice in the field.

By representing members' views at the highest level, through responses to government consultations and those of other organisations, the ELA is an association that can influence employment law.

As members of the ELA, our employment law team has access to exclusive training courses and resources, as well as information and analysis of the ongoing developments in UK and European employment law. As a result, you can have peace of mind that our solicitors have an extremely comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of employment law. Combining that with our dedication to clients and our approachable manner makes the team one of the best in the UK at offering advice on employment law for employees.

FAQs About Employment Law

What is employment law?

Employment law is a broad area of law that governs the relationship between employers and employees. It encompasses a range of legal issues, such as workplace discrimination, wrongful termination, wage and hour disputes, and employee benefits, among others. Employment laws aim to protect both the rights and interests of employees and employers.

Why should I seek help from an employment law solicitor?

Employment law is complex and any mistakes you make when signing contracts or attempting to dispute your employer can have far-reaching and expensive consequences. By working with an expert solicitor, you can be confident that you have the backing of legal experts. At JMW, our team is award-winning and has won many dispute cases over the decades that we have been operating. Our solicitors have a deep understanding of the employment law process due to our time in the industry and our close monitoring of the UK laws.

You should speak to our team today for expert legal advice on employment law.

What do I need to consider before signing an employment contract?

The recruitment process is lengthy and comes with many pitfalls. To ensure that you are not being taken advantage of, you should assess your employment contract to ensure it matches the job that you applied for, and the responsibilities that were highlighted to you during your initial discussions with the employer. If there are any terms you are confused about, either ask the recruiter or employer for clarification, or speak to us.

When assessing your contract, you should make sure the following aspects match up to what you agreed on:

  • Your salary
  • Your working hours
  • Any bonuses that were promised
  • Your holiday allowance
  • Your job title
  • Your responsibilities

It is essential that you read your employment contract closely as, regardless of what was said previously, this document will officiate the details of your job role, and signing it will hold you to legal obligations.

If you have already signed your employment contract and are concerned that something is amiss or that you have been led on, speak to our team as soon as possible and we will help you to understand whether anything can be done.

How much does JMW's employment law service cost?

Every employment law case is different. Depending on whether you need advice on a specific aspect of your employment, or whether you need help dealing with a dispute against your employer, you can expect your case to take a different length of time and, therefore, come with a different legal fee.

If you hold a home insurance policy, you should check to see whether it includes cover for legal fees for employment disputes.

For more information, call our team today. We will hold an initial no-obligation consultation to understand your situation and provide you with an estimate on how much our fixed-fee service is likely to cost you. If you are aiming to claim compensation, we will also advise you on the value of any settlement agreements you may be entitled to.

Where is JMW based?

JMW Solicitors is based in the UK and has two offices - one based in Manchester and one based in London. This allows us easy access to the whole country, meaning we can support you no matter where you are located in the UK.

Do I need to go to court to settle my employment dispute?

In many cases, employment disputes can be dealt with without the need for court proceedings. To have the best chance of this, we will need to form the strongest argument for your case as possible, so when we approach the other party, they will be able to quickly understand that the odds are in your favour. We will always prioritise this approach as it will help to avoid time-consuming legal proceedings and minimise stress for you.

Often, your employer may agree to mediation, during which we will hold sessions to come to an agreement on what the outcome should be.

It is also in your employer's interest to avoid court proceedings and deal with disputes as efficiently and confidentially as possible, so they will likely agree to this.

However, in some cases, court proceedings may be necessary. Unlike other claims, employment law proceedings go through the Employment Tribunal rather than the Magistrates’ Court. It is most likely that you will not be required to attend the employment tribunal. However, if your case becomes especially difficult, you may be required to appear to present evidence to support your argument.

How long does an employment law dispute take to settle?

Employment Tribunal proceedings can take a long time - an average of 27 weeks. Employers are typically aware of this, and will often take steps to settle outside of court. We can help to facilitate these proceedings by holding mediation sessions with the other party. We always prioritise settling out of court, but will fight in your corner by proceeding with the Tribunal if we believe your employer is not offering you everything you deserve.

What is unfair dismissal?

Wrongful or unfair dismissal occurs when an employer ends an employee's contract against the terms agreed to by both parties - in practical terms: when you are fired unfairly.

If your employment is terminated and you feel it was done so unfairly, you may be able to make an unfair dismissal claim for compensation or to retain your job. Speak to our employment lawyers today for advice on how to proceed.

What is workplace discrimination?

Workplace discrimination occurs when an employee or job applicant is treated unfavourably due to their race, religion, sex, age, disability, or genetic information. Discrimination can take many forms, such as hiring, firing, promotions, pay, job assignments, or any other employment-related decision.

Positive discrimination can occur, which is when someone is treated more mindfully of an aspect of themselves, but this can still cause discomfort, especially if done in the workplace.

If you have been discriminated against in your workplace, you should speak to our discrimination claims solicitors.

What is sexual harassment, and how can it be addressed in the workplace?

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It can create a hostile work environment and make those subject to it feel uncomfortable. Employers are responsible for preventing and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace by establishing clear policies, providing training, and promptly investigating and addressing complaints.

What is the difference between a sub-contractor and an employee?

A sub-contractor is a self-employed individual who provides services to a company or individual under a contract or agreement, while an employee works directly for an employer. Sub-contractors typically have more control over their work, are responsible for their own taxes, and do not receive employee benefits, such as health insurance or paid time off. Employees, on the other hand, have less control over their work and are entitled to various employment protections and benefits.

Talk to Us

For employment law advice for employees from our dedicated team of solicitors, get in touch by calling 0345 872 6666 or by filling in our online contact form.